// experience //
Software Engineer Intern | Harris Computer (Cayenta)
Currently constructing a modernized version of Cayenta's internal product repository platform abiding by new acceptance criteria. Spearheaded the evaluation and integration of Playwright as the E2E testing platform for screen stories.
Junior Application Developer | Modrinth
Built and deployed Modrinth Theseus and Labrinth, engaging in fullstack development and QA. Demonstrated leadership during our migration from Electron.js to Tauri through mentorship and team engagement.
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant | SFU
Held lab sessions for over 30 students, covering lecture material and assignments. Built internal tooling in Python and C++ to streamline automated marking.
// education //
Simon Fraser University
Bachelor's of Applied Science in Computing Science
GPA: 3.84/4.33
// competencies //
// selected projects //

Rust • TypeScript • Tauri • SQLite

Haskell • LISP


C# • ASP.NET • JavaScript • Vue • PostgreSQL • Docker